Monday, January 19, 2009

Wooly Country Graffiti

Indeed it happened, not in a big way, but in a cozy-snowy-day-way, the first Yarn Bombing Focus Group: Midcoast Maine Chapter, took place. Nevermind that we all just knit on our own things, and had no agenda. We had soup and homemade bread, looked at magazines and knit.

Knitā€“In Bean Soup

Maybe this piece, which signaled my driveway, will come along to Rockland for the inauguration party. In it's close-up below, you can see there is a kind of presidential air about it, with gold stripes in the blue, red and white with snow.

Yarn Bomb Evidence

Maybe not as ambitious as the South End Knitters piece that Julia of Moth Heaven mentioned... but mine was especially effective in the blizzard on Sunday, when even I couldn't find my own driveway without it.

Have a Big Celebration tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Marked your driveway and helped the tree stay warm.

Petula Darling said...

Your house would be a fabulous place to be on a winter's day plotting world-betterment through knitting.
I'm glad you had a good time - sorry I missed it!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you M.J. for a much needed repreve from my life. Hope to see you soon. It was a great knit bomb and everyone should try and make it next time.Knit O Rama Fun!!!

craftivore said...

Ha ha, too funny. I'm sure that tree really appreciates it.

magnusmog said...

wow - happy yarnbombing!

Susan said...

Love the idea of knitted graffiti! Very amusing indeed.