There's a lot of buzz going around these days in the knitting community about "inspiration boards" thanks to my neighbor, the talented Michelle Rose Orne. In her cozy book, Inspired to Knit, she explains her working method and details how to create your own board.
I've always worked this way, hoarding scraps and tear-sheets and bits of fabrics, string and canned food labels. In my earliest days I decoupaged collage on my doll-house walls, changing the look to suit my mood or the dolls latest story-lines. Later in college the board once occupied whole a wall in my apartment, in fact my son's room now looks like a giant inspiration board.
These days, I've got a couple of boards. One in my hidy-hole studio and another where I hone things down, every couple of weeks and the bulletin board travels around the house with me as I swatch at opportune moments, outside in the sun, in front of a Japanese Movie ( a little hard to follow color charts and read subtitles but never mind) or beside the bed to greet me in the morning.
The board pictured above is a little more fashion heavy than usual, no worries, the content constantly changes. You can see that I'm back on a geometric argyle-ish mood that popped up again when The Nederland Vest was published. Stay tuned for what's come of it!
By the way, my hand is healing nicely, though it took much longer than I imagined. Now I have to massage it to break up the scar tissue, hurts but it's necessary.