Monday, August 10, 2009

I've Moved!

Hi There! I've Moved!
Mary Jane, Midge and Mink have morphed into the one girl, Mary Jane....
You should be redirected after 10 seconds...If you can't wait...please visit me at my new website

don't forget to update your bookmarks and your RSS feeds...
See you soon!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Hi Everybody!
Oh yes...the new website!!! Soon, very soon....And it will come in bits and pieces so you have to keep checking back pretending that you have all the time in the world.

And there are more will I be critical of other websites....there are things called Shopping Carts and Templates clearly designed by people who don't shop, and are not at all curious about what they're buying if they do.

It's the case of the techy + the creative, rarely do the occur in one individual. Or I like to think that. I wish I knew how to do all the coding myself but...oh dear....I'm finding the computer program for making knitting charts provokes tears more than anything... and heaving sobs. Making Leelee the slumdog look up and howl along. Thank goodness there are no neighbors nearby, they'd call the police...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Save the Date!

That's Saturday. After the Maine Boats Homes and Harbor's show, in Rockland at The Strand.

Lobster Queens and locals...even my plumber friend who supplies me with hoola hoop parts

I've got twins to show my outfits

With pointed hats natch


Double fun!

Penobscot Marine Museum for more info.