Monday, August 10, 2009
I've Moved!
Mary Jane, Midge and Mink have morphed into the one girl, Mary Jane....
You should be redirected after 10 seconds...If you can't wait...please visit me at my new website
don't forget to update your bookmarks and your RSS feeds...
See you soon!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Oh yes...the new website!!! Soon, very soon....And it will come in bits and pieces so you have to keep checking back pretending that you have all the time in the world.
And there are more will I be critical of other websites....there are things called Shopping Carts and Templates clearly designed by people who don't shop, and are not at all curious about what they're buying if they do.
It's the case of the techy + the creative, rarely do the occur in one individual. Or I like to think that. I wish I knew how to do all the coding myself but...oh dear....I'm finding the computer program for making knitting charts provokes tears more than anything... and heaving sobs. Making Leelee the slumdog look up and howl along.

Monday, August 03, 2009
Save the Date!

Lobster Queens and locals...even my plumber friend who supplies me with hoola hoop parts
I've got twins to show my outfits
With pointed hats natch
Double fun!
Penobscot Marine Museum for more info.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
St. Denis Magazine: My Breakfast Treat

After spacing out twice....I met Astrig for breakfast today at Chase's Daily in nearby Belfast. I tell you, there is nothing like hanging out with Astrig to make you believe anything and everything is possible. She is the absolute most positive person, and not in an exhausting gushy way... in a "oh, but of course, I guess I knew it all along" serene way.
I brought Show & Tell:
My lucky advance copy of Veronik Avery's St. Denis Magazine.
Recognize my yarny picture on the right? with my byline? I'm sorry...I never get too old or too jaded to get a little thrill from that tiny print!
The magazine is beautiful, a nice little perfect sized dream of a magazine, including designs by
- Pam Allen
- Jennie Eveleigh Lamond
- Jared Flood
- Laura Grutzeck
- Franklin Habit
- Robin Melanson
- Carol Sulcoski
- Ysolda Teague
There's wee articles, a photo-inspiration scrapbook and helpful illustrated techniques in the notebook section.
Keep an eye out for it...I having a feeling it will sell out fast!
Now I have to tell you a little bit about amazing, beautiful Astrig's pet project. She puts on a great, but not especially well known event called Fiber College, the weekend after Labor Day, at her family's campground in Searsport Maine, on the shores of one of the prettiest beaches in the state. She has a diverse group of fiber-fanatics as teachers and vendors, covering weaving and spinning, quilting and name it, if there is fiber involved she wants to include you!
It is one of those little secret events, you'd love to keep to yourself but enjoy so much you just can't help spreading the word. Right now on the Fiber College blog Astrig is asking this year's instructors 10 questions to help us get to know everyone. Read them all but don't miss Gudrun's...I am so looking forward to meeting is going to be a blast!
Since I'm teaching this year I better go fill out my questionnaire now! Yikes!
Stay tuned and I'll tell you about my class.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Super Soul

I'm lucky to have this garment included in Veronik's first
St. Denis Magazine collection for her scrumptious crisp new yarn, great for texture, fabulous colors, coming soon to a Local Yarn Store near you. I think the magazine will be available in shops and from the St. Denis website which is still under construction.
I'm so glad it is still under construction, makes me feel better.
It's about time revealed what I've been up to. I'm working on a new website. It is a little slow going for me, since there is soooooo much to learn. I've had a lot of help from some wonderful people, some simply amazing friends that I have. I am so thankful.
The plan was to be up and running by next week and if all goes well it will be, or shortly thereafter. Knock on Wood.
So if I've been kind of silent on the knitterly aspects of things...well I've been learning about shopping carts and CSS code and things I'd really rather not have to know how it is...when we built our house, my husband and I even put in the septic system ourselves....a challenging yes, I do know how to build a septic system, for which I am proud, but I truly hope I never do it again...
Here's hoping this time next year, I'm a whiz what seems a mystery to me today.

Super Soul Cardigan's Bonus Hidden Pockets
Pictures courtesy of Veronik Avery
Friday, July 17, 2009
Isle au Haut Adventure
At long last, and island adventure! One friend brought his daughters who are visiting from France, and the other brought her desire for chocolates.
We headed east to escape the rain which continued to fall upon the coast, waaaay out to beautiful Isle au Haut. First we visited Head Harbor, pictured above, where we walked to beautiful Long Pond for a little trout bites, but plenty of foraging for chanterelles and wild strawberries on the roadside. Handy having French teenagers along, with their aptitude for mushroom hunting.
No sign of chocolates this end of the island so we went around, passing lighthouse and seals, to the town landing in search of the famed Black Dinah Chocolatier chocolate shop. Walking along the way, many people warned us that the elusive shop was closed and indeed as we approached the sign did say "shut". Give up? Not us. and we were rewarded. Steve cheerfully opened his shop for us, and the chocolates did not disappoint! My choice was a Sea Turtle, caramel and brazil nuts covered in dark chocolate, topped with a pinch of sea salt....mmmm
Salt + Chocolate

Friday, July 03, 2009
It Girl
IHeartErin! Her T shirt says it all for me!
The "I love Erin photoshoot" with the unbeatable Chris Hartlove, the man responsible for the fantastic photograpy in many years of InterweaveKnits back issues.
3 members of the Dream Team reunite: Wilmington Delaware Rendezvous Edition.
Like we never let up!
Well yeah!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm not completely idle. I do knit. Do you have those months...I was going to say days, but really now, do you have those months when it seems like you get nothing done?
A lot of what I'm working at is new to me, and there are so many different tasks, that I feel awash....sloshing around....head above the suds for only moments at a time....
I'm Poodle-sitting this week, I do know how to do that. Auntie MJ takes no nonsense!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Who can work?
Who can work with these lovelies to distract you?
Veronik Avery's has come out with a signature yarn, St. Denis which is scrumptious! A real "knitters" yarn, beautiful colors with stand up texture, and at the same time, soft to the touch. Vist her blog for updates where you'll see a little thumbnail of something you may recognize from my flickr pages.
When I think things have been busy around Chez MidgeMink, I think of Veronik.