It is a happy day when the shrimp trucks are out. The cheery red lettered signs announce one of the most sweet and succulent gems of the sea: Fresh Maine Shrimp. In our family we cook them all kinds of ways, from gumbo to crepes, but by far everyone's favorite is the easiest to prepare.
We toss the whole shrimp in olive oil, salt and pepper. Let them soak while we fire up the grill and just put 'em on when its hot! Turn them once and serve.
Everyone peels their own. It is messy so provide dishtowels for napkins. A big bowl of shrimp, a bowl for shells, a salad and bread or rice, and voila! Dinner!
This year we're able to grill right in our kitchen, not a snowbank outside. Our Vermont Castings stove (Uncle Henry's free for the taking) opens right up front, making it easy to accommodate a grill. It's fun to tend the shrimp over the glowing coals, comfortably perched on a 3 legged stool.
I'm embarrassed to admit I've always been too intimidated to stop and check out the wares of the seafood trucks. Your meal looks so good, though, that I may just be able to muster up some courage.
Fresh Maine Shrimp is the best! Figure on at least a pound per person, the shells and heads weigh a lot...and don't go all eeeeuuuwwww over the heads, the shrimp taste better when cooked with them on.
Please tell Petula that she should get to the seafood trucks ASAP, company from New York is coming. Yum! There is nothing better that a simple meal of the freshest ingredients.
That looks sooo delicious,and sounds so cozy tending the fire in a living room.
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