More like winter wonderland...overnight. (April 4th and 5th!) How much snow did you get? I heard they had 17 inches in Monroe. And the rest of you out there, what signs of Spring or Fall have you had? Migrating birds? Crocus? Growing or diminishing wood piles? Here in Maine its cold around 25F(-4C?), and dazzlingly sunny.

wow. you guys got A LOT of snow.... thats CRAAZZYYYY
we didn't get any!! well a few flakes here and there, nothing serious. you guys were covered!! okayyyy i only have 2 more days of classes!!!!
love you
Sorry -- we've got low 70s and sunny here in Seattle! Spring is actually here for us!! After a very long, wet, cold (for us) winter!
I'm sending you a bottle of sunny warmth via internet. :)
Hey Jennhx! Thanks! I may be in Seattle soon! In May! Cool!I mean Warm!
Can't believe I'm saying this but we have glorious sunshine and its so warm I'm wearing a skirt short enough to scare the neighbours kids! ( NB - doesn't take much! )
Global warming? I checked with my mum and she remembers sitting outside eating ice lollies this week 38 years ago. Still I remember when it used to to snow in April here too.
I was prepared for some snow in April, but nothing like this!
extraordinary,we even had small nonsticking flurries in Dallas!
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