Just a tease! Beautiful color! Saffron? Dandelion? It is called Saturne! And it is that mitten I was longing for, cabled a bit. Wait and see.

A finished tam! and I'll show you how to go about it! I'm teaching a class during Unique One's Knitting Weekend in Camden Maine! Beth, the wonderful owner has a lively weekend planned. It's always great fun with lots of time to knit and wander the village and visit her shop. I know I didn't give much warning....but there's still room! Click for details!
And you remember how cute the shop is don't you?
Though the week seemed mostly about getting well and trying to function with the still-fogged head, a surprising amount of things were accomplished. Foremost among them was getting a new item off to Knitscene. I set the worst example for my kids when it comes to deadlines, always working at the 11th hour no matter what...everything will be ready and I'll get sick and out of commission and you'll find me dragging my sickness-filled-husk to the Post Office shelling out extra beans for overnight shipping. Oh well. Know thyself. Know thy will be thwarted when one tries to outsmart thyself.
I also got lots of swell goodies in the mail. I've been on a photograph-collecting binge. Blame it on Megan and her photo swap. I got some gems here and here.
I'm happy to be knitting for fun again. Really the best kind of knitting don't you think?
And how about my sweet hedgehog bag? A treat from Amber's shop.