A dangerous thing that pay-pal button, usually. Not in this case because I am so inordinatly happy! Kirsten Cram the artist of Tollipop Shop is the happy-maker. Above you see Big Sister Little Sister. See what a quick learner Little Sister is? She's almost knit as much as Big Sister.
It reminds me of my own experience learning to knit from my next-door-neighbor's older sister, Mary, who gave me some thin red aluminum needles, fine pearly pale green yarn, cast on and showed me what to do. I must have been a natural because I knit, and knit and knit, delighted with the lovely dolly blankie that took shape beneath my needles. When I got to the end of the yarn I was stumped...How to take it off ? My dollies couldn't sleep very well with that big spear at the end of their coverlet. No one in my family had a clue. I had to wait and wait and wait, a whole night and part of the next day, until Mary got home from school. I was eager for Mary to show me the secret. She took my knitting, and carefully slid it off the needle and dramatically unraveled the whole thing. Yes, she did, she was a meany.
Little Sister 's knitting furiously and is quickly catching up with her sister. I feel sure Big Sister will show her the proper way to cast off which will not prohibit, but rather enhance sisterly competition.
You can find these girls at the Tollipop Shop on etsy. Be sure and visit the Tollipop the blog, which is endlessly entertaining, with stories and stories and stories, my favorite being The Whispering Nautilus featuring Petula... Darling, who's namesake introduced me to Ms. Tollipop to begin with from her own Darling blog.
Best thing yet, if you visit Tollipop before noon tomorrow, you can enter a special drawing to win a...drawing!
You'll be happy you did!
oh, that is so sad about your first knitting! Do you think that Mary didn't know what to do with it either?
What a big meanie the Mary next door was! My goodness, shame on her! Oy, I just want to give her a scolding... how funny that that story brings out such a strong reaction of wanting to shake her.
cute drawing! and kind of a sad little knitting story. I'm glad she didn't bring you down and that you're still knitting!
oh, I can just picture that terrible moment of seeing all your beautiful stitches unravel! I'm so glad the trauma of your first knitting experience didn't hinder you from becoming the prodigy you are today!!
How I wish I could keep proper company with you ladies...perhaps one day. In the meantime, Mary Jane, thank you so much for featuring my artwork on your blog! What a delight!
I didn't really learn to knit again until I was just out of high school, not for not wanting to. I didn't just know anyone who did. I sewed a lot and embroidered all over the place. And that Mary, she was too big to shake! Years later she said "remember that?" without a hint of remorse. the meanie.
I might have slugged Mary, I hope you at least screamed bloody murder. The drawing is great. Going over to Tollipop now...
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