It is taking me a bit to return to my stride, since my Western Adventure. Maybe, it is because although my trip was action-packed, I got what a vacation is for, a relaxed daily rhythm. I find it a struggle to resume my usual pace, it seems too frantic, and with all that doing, I feel as though I'm missing so much. I so enjoy doing nothing! And doing non-work (my own work that is) things:
I went to Ducktrap at low tide with my friends, and sloshed around. I went to a funeral and got lost on dirt roads with names like Rabbit Run, with my brothers-in-law and sister-in-law . I saw Blade Runner * on the big screen. I participated in the Stiletto Run, to benefit New Hope for Women, and then just hung out in town with my friend and her kids, where we went to friend Phil's Restaurant, Boyton McKay, for brunch, and read the New York Times. I knit, just to please myself. I didn't take any pictures of it. I neglected this blog.
I offer some last shots of Idaho, and I'm pleased to accept an award bestowed upon me by a blogger much more worthy of the honor than me, the eloquent Jackie, of
nearby the sea

once nominated:
1. You have to nominate 5 blogs, which haven't had this award before
2. Each of the blogs must have a purpose
3.The nominated blogs should make a link back to this page
4. The logo from the award should be put on their blog and should link
back to this blog
The gal who got me started, and always keeps me entertained, the always and forever Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Miss Petula Darling.
Lisa of Jungle Dream Pagoda, mistress of the stage and screen, frequent flights of fancy, Doppelganger Barbie Slumber Parties, and a wardrobe you won't believe!
Fellow knitting sister, Kat Coyle at Coiled. An amazing painter as well as designer of some of my favorite knitted things. When I was the stylist for Interweave Knits I couldn't wait to see what Kat would send in, always brilliant!
Flickr Mosaic Monday expert, yummy photographer, witty wry observer of life, Shula of Poppalina, kindred spirit in cyberspace.
Nina of Ninainvorm, a simply stupendous Dutch student who creates and creates and creates, like a busy bee, everything imaginable with uplifting energy, give yourself a boost and visit!
I suppose I do have a purpose for this blog, keeping you all busy following links!
wow. Thank you!
Thank you!
Uh-oh, now I need to narrow down some choices of my own...aaagh! the pressure!
Wonderful links--definitely a public service!
more great photos. looks like that cow was trying to tell you something :)
I had your blog up for a while yesterday and kept coming back to the computer for breaks to check out your links. very enjoyable-lots of new bookmarks.
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