But soon, all was moved, shifted and cleared to make way for this

Which is all very well and fine, in fact the result is beautiful smooth walls. And we all worked together harmoniously....for the most part. I'll admit there was some muttering and growling about "chaos" (who me?)...just because our only real indoor party of the year

is Saturday, and I had imagined a weekend of leisurely cleaning and organizing.....!....prepping and planning. With maybe... a little knitting.
So,if you're in the neighborhood, please join us beans or no beans, furniture or no furniture!
oh, disruptions are worth it, as long as they don't last too long. I wish I could crash your cassoulet party. It sounds like heaven!
Mary Jane, Yesterday I spent a leisurely afternoon going thru your Flickr photos. I declared to Emily that, "you live artistically"... while living with Erik and kids... what a wonderful thing.
Em, also told me that you were having a "French bean" party... now I get it... cassoulet. I have never made one, but have read tons of recipes for them... I'd love to come out and see your lovely 'new' home, tho I'd hate to crash the party. But you indeed have invited your blog readers to come by- which I have become one of- after all.
Saphrona will be home this weekend with a team of toboggan national competitors so it may not be possible anyway.
It is so wonderful to see this 'side', 'middle', 'essence' of you. You are an inspiration!
I'll eat a bean or two over here in your honour!
Oh, how I wish I could stop by and enjoy some Cassoulet! Yum.
I've started saving my appetite already!
Mary Jane, your pictures are soooo beautiful! Hope you're doing well :)
Again with the Cassoulet.. Yum...
I'm awarding you a "Make My Day" award for all your bloggy goodness. Thanks for making many of my days better! :)
Oh, that bed. My goodness, that bed.
What a wonderful way to begin the day!
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