At long last you can see what I was working on so long ago. Remember the wormy ends? I am pretty pleased with how it looks in the Interweave Knits 2007 Fall Preview (scroll waaaay down to Mirepoix Bodice). The model is maybe a bit large for it. The sweater was designed for and fits my daughter to perfection. She is a little pin of a thing. When Gina first told me the pictures were up...I about died... an image where the sweater was clearly too small was featured......the dreaded boob-bisection...horrors! Fortunately that picture was quickly replaced for the one above where the stylist yanked it into place.... Anyway the close up is lovely.

PS: Friends have told me Sophie has an "athletic college girl figure", that describing her as a "pin" gave the wrong, skin and bones impression, that "fit and healthy" and "Sports Illustrated Model"(she'll love that!) were better descriptions .
If you're thinking of making this one, try it on as you go, don't start the armholes before the lower half or two-thirds of your breasts are covered. For a custom fit, adding one peerie pattern may be enough, or you may need a peerie and a border. Another note, you really have to nail the steeking with a sewing machine since the yarn is a superwash and does not stick together at all, if you are afraid, you can go back and forth on the bodice.
That's a stunning sweater, you clever woman.
I love it!
Great colors and great design. That just might be my next project!
That was definitely worth waiting for...You are a genius with colour and a pair of needles!!!
It's lovely. It looks like it was quite a job to make!
Mary Jane, I love this sweater. Honestly, I am scared to death of knitting Fair Isle, but I am very, very tempted to go for it.
What a stunner! I am seriously envious of your knitting and design skills :)
This is absolutely a stunner, and I love that you chose such a yummy yarn. Perhaps this could lure me into the land of Fair Isle. Although steeking? *gulp*
Thanks for all your kind comments. It is hard waiting 5 months to see how it'll photograph! And rest assured, fair isle knitting looks a lot harder than it actually is. There are never more than 2 colors to work with at a time, and they are set up in rhythms, or symmetrically.Its fun and satisfying. And steeking is only scary at first... but I would not recomkmend it with Louets Gems, it is a super-superwash and won't stick together unless you really nail it down with a sewing machine.
I was so pleased to see this in IK -- It's gorgeous. Now, looking at those ends... well, for beauty we must all suffer a bit, eh? This might be perfect in Jaeger Extra Fine Merino DK... hm. Did you steek this one? I'm still a bit freaked out about it, and EFM definitely wouldn't hold together w/o "nailing down."
And glad to hear the note on the fit. I was thinking of extending the fair isle portion and possibly the ribbing for a personalized fit.
PS that was me. Blogger cut me off. I wanted to add that your design also got the enthusiastic approval from Seth.
oh and congratulations! I look forward to your future designs as well.
I just saw your design in the magazine (and thus found your blog). Congratulations! the sweater is beautiful and I would love to try my hand at making it (though I am also a little scared of Fair Isle). Your blog also looks very interesting. I look forward to reading it.
I must confess I'm also intensely curious about you as my parents spend their summers in South Montville, Maine, and I just got back from visiting them there. I can't help wondering if I saw you at the Fraternity Village store or somewhere else in the area!
Boy that COMMENT DELETED looks omminous!
It was me, I'd forgotten to say "hey" to Daphne and thank her for her kind comments. I wish blogger had that email feature so I could respond to each of you personally...Its hard enough finding time reading blogs let alone tracking down replies.
And what I was saying in comment deleted: Hi Eliza! what cool stuff you do! Set design..so great... and yes we probably did see one another at the Village Store. Look me up next time you're in town. I'll make sure you're not afraid of fair isle!
That goes for anyone straying into my neck of the woods. Look me up, we'll have tea...or a G&T!
hello back! and yes, I'd love to do tea OR a G&T! Unfortunately I won't be back up there till sometime next year, but I'll follow your blog in the meantime! :)
This is a wonderful sweater. I had every intention of knitting it despite the less than flattering boob shot. It's great to know that the model was not quite the intended size for the finished sweater. This saves me a the adjustments I thought I was going to have to make to your lovely design :)
Hi Mary Jane,
I absolutely love this sweater and I'm planning to make one for myself. I was wondering though ~ do you have a yarn sub you would recommend for those on a limited budget. I don't want to take away from the beauty of the sweater but don't want to wait a yr to make it either. LOL Your input would be greatly appreciated.
Thx for designing this one ~ I love it!
Thanks Melissa and Dawn. About yarn substitutes...That's the thing with designing, they GIVE you the yarn, so I never know how much it costs...and I can't resist all those colors...What I would do is go to your trusty local yarn shop and hunt around. Louets Gems is a light sport weight I'd say, it fluffs just a little. Find a yarn with a nice color range if you can, and just lie the colors next to each other and squint...I'm sorry I can't be better help. If I come across a likely candidate I'll let you know. I hate to say I don't have the luxury of time spent in yarn shops lately, I'm too busy learning new things: driving chase boats and metadata rules! And madly knitting of course!
Thx for the input Mary Jane. I'll visit the LYS soon and I've gotten some help from some knitting friends so I should be able to get something worthy of the lovely.
Thx again, have a great one.
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